Friday, July 8, 2011

Meet the Husband

In preparation for John's week of manly crafts, a week devoted to my husband's tinkerings and DIY projects, I thought I'd introduce you to John.

John is an avid outdoor enthusiast. He loves hiking, camping, fishing, and anything else that one can do in outside in nature.  We greatly enjoy camping and tend to go on hikes whenever we need to run away from civilization (which is fairly often).

An accomplished musician, John studied jazz and rock guitar through high school and college and is now getting his master's degree in classical guitar.  When I met him in college he was a full blown rock guitarist and even tried to woo me by inviting me to his rock shows (that is until he realized I really preferred silence to loud music).  Having toured the US, and even internationally, he decided he'd rather settle down and have a family - and boy am I glad!  I still love to watch him perform, even if it is more wedding and formal gigs these days.

He loves tinkering with tools and is the handy man behind the scenes of Turning a House into a Home. Since getting married, I've had to do a lot less leaky facet fixing, door unjamming, picture hanging, and clogged drain unclogging.

Lucky for me he also cooks a mean meal, has recently learned how to clean the bathroom, and always remembers the important dates (you know, like our anniversary and my birthday).

Be sure to tune in next week and see the unveiling of some projects John's been working on!


Shabby Chic Mom said...

what wonderful hubby you have!!

stopping by from the blog hop!
would love for you to stop by and follow back and say hello!

Anonymous said...

Fun post, I may steal this idea about the hubby! Sounds like you have a great one!!

New blog follower! Come follow back and enter my great giveaways! { One ends tonight!!}

Marissa said...

sounds like a great hubby :)

Newest follower from the hop! Great blog!!

La-Dee-da crafter said...

following you from follwom on Friday!!!

Stacie said...

This is going to be an amazing home! Hopped from Follow On Friday. Thanks for sharing.

Delaney said...

He seems wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I must concur with all of the above. You picked a great man and I'm so glad he cut his long hair and settled down with his supermodel wife.

Thrifty Military Mommy said...

Following from the social parade! Come check me out when you get a chance :)

Unknown said...

I'm your newest follower from the social parade blog hop!

It definitely sounds like you have a great hubby!! I love the fact that I, like you, haven't had to do as much of those around the house tasks, since tying the knot!

I look forwards to reading more!!

Monica @

Mrs. Pancakes said...

this sounds like a fun week!

About a Mom said...

Hi! I'm a new follower from Fri Hop! Please check out my new blog :)

Lisa Weidknecht said...

Hello! I'm hopping over to follow you. Come follow me too?

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

He sounds a lot like Kevin at the lettered cottage blog with the rock and handyman parts. I looked through his posts. How cute. I wish my hubby would blog for me, but he doesn't have a clue how.

Ashley @ Domestic Imperfection said...

Popping over from the blog hop and a new follower! Your husband seems awesome...mine is very handy as well, though it sounds like he requires a *slight* bit more nagging than your husband to get projects done, lol.

Anonymous said...

stopping by on Friday's blog hop!

loving the projects! we're in the same boat renovating our 1921 craftsman, but loving it!

Shana said...

My hubby loves DIY projects too! Hi! Just stopping by. Following you from the You Like Me Friday Blog Hop. Would love a visit and a follow back on my blog: Thanks! By the way, we are GIVING AWAY an IPAD 2 and would love for you to enter if you haven’t already! Nice to meet you!

Chelsea said...

Our husbands sound a lot alike!

I'm swinging by from the blog hop and now following you!! :)

You can read all about our journey at


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