Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Five

I'm in the midst of a fabric explosion but for once my sewing machine and I are seeing eye to eye.  My tape measure and I, however are not...hence why I spent an hour last night ripping out an entire project. So, instead of being sad that I I'm a little behind schedule, I thought I'd send you off into the weekend with five thoughts by Kristen.

1. I have learned this summer that I rock at growing cayenne peppers, but not bell peppers. My mint and oregano thrive under my green thumb but my basil snubs its nose at me.  The carrots...well, I'm not too sure about them.

2. We have some mysterious stains that are popping up throughout our apartment. They seem to be coming from nowhere - no one has spilled anything and they are mostly in non-living areas (office corners, hallways, etc). Any ideas what could be causing them and how to make them stop? I've tried cleaning them with vinegar but it only lightens the stain a bit. Help!

3. I never thought I'd say a summer could be too hot.  Now that I live in North Carolina, though, I've changed my tune a little. Boy was this summer humid and hot! I'm eagerly anticipating autumn and the cooler temperatures for the first time ever.

4. Ollie the Owl looks beautiful on my bookshelf - bubbles and all. He appreciates everyone's positive comments about his awesome "bubbly" personality.

5. John and I have a wonderful weekend planned to celebrate Labor Day...I can't wait until work ends and the fun can begin! I hope you each have a fun, sun-filled, and safe holiday weekend. See you Tuesday!


  1. If your apartment isn't brand spanking new and their were previous tenants, it's probably their old stains.
    Gross, right? When the carpet is steam cleaned between tenants, it only partially takes the stains least that's been my experience. We, too have had mysterious stains from nothing and it's from former stains coming back to haunt us after I've steam cleaned the floors myself.

  2. yep, the south is hot and humid. I grew up in the deep south and now live in the northern part of the south. Any way you look at it, the south is hot. So, autumn is good.

    I love Ollie!!!
