Thursday, August 25, 2011

Knotted Fingers

I've been a crocheting fiend the past couple days.  When I get into a project of any kind, I tend to just throw myself at it and forget everything else (like eating and cleaning).  After hours of crocheting thick strips of fabric, my fingers are pretty bruised and sore so I'm taking a quick resting break.  Have you ever raised your head to glance around while you're in the midst of a big project to realize the trail of destruction you've left? That's what I did this morning and boy oh boy was it scary!  I thought I'd share with you my living room and how it has looked since Monday.

We could play a game of I Spy with this photo.  I spy a recent Goodwill owl purchase, a glass from two days ago, seven haphazard pillows, a salt shaker being used as inspiration, and a lazy Layla-Butt.

During my next break to rest my fingers I'm planning on spending some quality time with the owl giving him a makeover. I'm kind of excited.

And now I bid you goodbye because I am itching to put the glass in the dishwasher, mail back the netflix movie, and place the pillows back on the couches.


  1. lol I'm glad I'm not the only one this happens to.

  2. I just snort laughed. That's how every room in my house looks when I'm working on something because of neglect, but ESPECIALLY when I've got a sewing project going. I have to drag everything out and use the living room floor and dining room table. Too funny.

  3. That rug is looking mighty fine!! Put Layla and the owl to work cleaning up.
