Friday, April 15, 2011

Branch Glimpse

Yesterday our little family went on a walk to explore the wooded area behind our apartment. It was a fun little walk and we returned with something interesting.

Yes, that is a huge branch laying on top of the television. I can't wait to get started on it so I can show you the end product....I just hope it turns out the way I have envisioned it in my head...

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend! This weekend I'll be working on cleaning our balcony, playing with this beautiful stick, and cleaning the apartment - we had our windows open all week and now every single thing is covered in a thick layer of green-yellow pollen.  Our allergies are killing us.


  1. I could've used that today! My son and I made a centerpiece for the Seder table using a branch, but I had to get a fake one. Boo hoo! I can't wait to see what you do with this one...I'll be checking back later!

    {PS - You can see what Noah and I did with ours in today's post at}
