Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hardbacks, paperbacks, cookbooks, children's books...

spotted on I Suwannee
I love love love books! What could I possibly love more than books? Bookshelves! Seriously, I start to drool at the sight of a room whose only decoration is bookshelves beautifully organized with books. That right there, my friends, is my perfect room. Perhaps you will remember the library in Beauty and the Beast that Belle loved. If only it was mine.
spotted on I Suwannee
Well, I can clean up a drool puddle each and every day thanks to I Suwannee.  They post a beautiful bookshelf each day and I'm in love with them all! These pictures inspire me to continue to harp my husband regarding our bookshelves, or lack there of. I have dreams of a library in my house but for now, I must make due with our current bookshelves.

As you can see, our bookcase in the office is as loaded as it can be.  It actually took some creative organizing to get all those books up there. The books laying down are the shortest books we own.  We found we could stack more horizontally than we could fit vertically.  Believe me, getting all of our books on this bookshelf was a science.

I would love to get more bookcases so that our books aren't mashed together and so that we could organize John's loose music that as taken over.  Let's just say I don't drool when I look at our bookshelves.

This bookcase in our living room houses our cookbooks and hardbacks that were just too thick to fit on the main bookcase.  Luckily this one isn't as crowded...yet.

Someday I will have a room like this.

spotted on flickr


  1. I agree...bookshelves are the best. I still have boxes and boxes of books in the garage because I don't have enough shelves to fit them all. But I don't have enough space for more shelves. It's a sad situation.

  2. We actually bought a house once because it had a "library"! (Yes, well it had other features too, but that was my reason.) One can never have enough bookshelves, in my opinion.
    Love your blog!

  3. I've always wanted a wall of books cases with a ladder on rollers. Just roll on over to your favorite book.

  4. Yours looks great now! Very similar to the style I did in my family room. I think decorating a bookcase is such an intricate process. It's always a work in progress as you move things around and add more.
