Friday, November 4, 2011

It's Not Thanksgiving Yet

I'm still a relatively new blogger and this is my first time blogging through the holiday season. I'm looking forward to sharing inspiration, excitement, and holiday cheer with one another and being the nosy person I am, I can't wait to see how others decorate their houses for the holidays. I've already seen some amazingly scary, fun, and classy Halloween homes and boy was that great.

I worked for a major retail store one year and was shocked with how early the store began planning for Christmas, decorating for Christmas, and overall pretending it was Christmas.  It seems as though every year the retail world decides to ignore more and more days between the end of summer and Christmas. I went into Joanns a couple weeks before Halloween and found more Christmas decor than fall and Halloween decor!

I don't know about you, but I feel jibed when people fast forward.  I personally like to experience the present rather than wish it was the future. When people around me are fast fowarding, skipping and ignoring an entire month, a month with a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday and tradition galore, I become saddened.

And so, when I woke up on Tuesday, November 1, and noticed that many in the blogosphere had taken down their Halloween fall decor and are now sharing and planning their Christmas and winter decor, I looked wildly at the calendar and realized we still have an entire wonderful month to enjoy the pinecones, the rustic wreaths, the corn and pumpkin decorations and the tradition of being thankful.

So, I just wanted to let you know that I will not be publishing Christmas and winter-themed posts on Turning a House into a Home until the day after Thanksgiving.  With Christmas music blasting on the radio and the turkey in my belly, I will only then say goodbye to the fall, the wonderful holiday of Thankgiving, and embrace December and all that it brings.

On that note, these are my latest love for the month of November:





Happy November!!!


  1. I love ever single one of these cute ideas.
    You're so great!


  2. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, that's why I'm excited for Christmas.
    (Yes, I'm American.)

  3. I love your apple and pumpkin votive holders and the pine cones. Natural elements are so much a part of my decorations. Thanks for your cute ideas for Thanksgiving...and later Christmas.

  4. November and I both thank you for this.

  5. I totally agree with everything you wrote. Why do we have to rush through the season?? I love Thanksgiving. I love getting together with my family around the dinner table, having a great dinner, laughing, talking and being thankful for the time we have together. There is no stress of shopping, presents or any of the other things that make Christmas stressful.

    While I enjoy looking at other's get ready for Christmas, I'll wait until Dec. 1.

    Have a great weekend.


  6. These are all great ideas! I especially love the leaves with the stitching down the middle. I'm your newest follower from the chic on a shoestring party. I'd love you to stop by my blog & maybe follow along too!
