Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Glitterize This

Glitter has a natural ability to make anyone smile. Glitter chases the blues away. Glitter is happiness. For the past few months I've been drawn to glitter like a raccoon to a shiny coin and like a moth to a porch light. Everywhere I glance I see shiny happiness and I crave it for myself.

I spent much of this weekend glitterizing secret things. The problem with making Christmas presents for family and friends is that I can't show them off here! Instead I will show off some glittery projects I've been appreciating from afar.


I am in love with this packaging idea! Since I don't have glitterized (oh, and yes, as of this morning glitterize is a verb) ribbon I bet I could accomplish the same thing with double sided tape dipped in glitter on one side.


This project has been blowing up my pinterest homepage for the past week or so - just an easy, genius, glitterized project!! I'm picturing silver and gold and blue...


Oh Martha. Beautiful! Actually, these remind me of some candles I bought from Target about three seasons ago that were beautiful and glitterized. It would be a lot cheaper to make them myself!


Glitterized pumpkins aren't just for Halloween, folks. Thanksgiving is begging for some bling this year!


Oh, excuse me, I'm sorry, I just swooned. This photo makes me fall in love with glitter over and over and over again.  Thanksgiving is going to be so blinged out!


When I have a little girl, her room will have many glitterized lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Every little girl needs glitter in her life.


I have yet to experience this awesomeness-in-a can first-hand, but from what I've read online, people can't praise it enough. Perhaps this weekend Glitter Blast and I will have a fun date.

I've learned that, while glitter is the herpes of craft supplies, it also just might be the heroin of craft projects. Once you glitterize one thing you're trapped and you'll find yourself wanting to glitterize your dog, your car, and your couch. What are some things you've been glitterizing?What color glitter do you think would make Layla like her collar of shame a little more?


  1. I love glitter also! I've been looking for the Glitter Blast and haven't found it yet. I bought some Krylon spray glitter last night but its not the same :( Hopefully it works just as well.
    Do you know if Michaels carries the new product?

  2. I've never been the biggest fan of glitter, but I love every single thing in this post. The ribbon, oh god. I'm thinking of ideas I can make with it! Oh! (Your idea of double-sided tape with glitter on one size is awesome!

  3. I love the glittered candles! I think I need to add glitter spray paint to my shopping list...that looks awesome!

  4. l.o.v.e. all things that sparkle! i never heard of the glitter blast, but i have a feeling it will be making an appearance in our house once we can move in and start decorating {especially for the holidays}. thanks for the inspriation!!


  5. Love this! If you get a chance, I'd love to have you link up to my party at http://scrapbookingez.blogspot.com/2011/11/anything-goes-linky-party.html. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Who doesn't like sparkly things! (Other than my husband and three boys...) I swear, one of my boys better give me a granddaughter so I can go glitter/frilly/ruffly crazy! Untile then, my husband and little boys will have to deal with me glitterizing the house.

  7. You're so right! Glitter makes the world better! I've never heard of the term "glitterizing" but I've got to start using it :-)

  8. I really love glitter - especially for holidays. It makes everything happier. I'm just not a fan of the mess it can make! You posted great holiday ideas. I need to try that Krylon Glitter Blast!

  9. I really love glitter - especially for holidays. It makes everything happier. I'm just not a fan of the mess it can make! You posted great holiday ideas. I need to try that Krylon Glitter Blast!

  10. Glitter spray paint? Why haven't I learned about this before?

  11. Love the glitter! The skinny candles are my favorite. I didn't know that Krylon made a glittery spray...I may be investing in several of these for Christmas!

  12. I love glitter and had no idea glitter spray paint existed. I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY on DIY Home Sweet Home. Would love you to check it out.

  13. wow this is great.
    Would luv for our readers to see this at

    Thanks for joining the party,

  14. I do luv the glitter, especially the candles. I have to see if I can find glitter spray over here. I'm a new follower, please drop by when you have a chance. http://decoratingwcents.blogspot.com

  15. Glitter pumpkins??? Yes, please!

  16. I love glitter also. And I'm always looking for new ways to incorporate it into my life, :)

  17. I have got to get me some of that glitter spray! You have inspired me! Such awesome ideas! So happy to have you share this @ Show & Share--thank you for linking up!
