Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sans Internet

So true. Our internet went down Friday morning and our household suffered for five long days. Not to worry - a technician came by this morning at 7:30am to flip some switches in a box outside and all is right with the world again. However, no internet is enough to make you clean the house, organize closets, and reconnect with your movie collection. 

I never realized until this weekend how dependent we were on the internet. Aside from the fact that John is a grad student with lots of homework to do, he also teaches guitar lessons online via skype. Most of our dinner recipes come from googling what we're in the mood for. Our nightly entertainment is in the form of Netflix (soon to be disconnected, though, once the fee hikes begin) and mapquest helps us discover new parks and neighborhoods where we take Layla-Butt on walks.  Whenever I have a question or a random thought about the world (which is very often) I always turn to google to learn things such as why mushrooms are growing in my aloe pot and when dogs are allowed back on the beaches. We had no clue what was happening just a couple hours of east of us when the hurricane hit our coast and I couldn't leave annoying facebook comments on my little sister's wall.

We have had internet for an hour and so far I've caught up on a couple blogs, glanced at pinterest, became overwhelmed by my emails, and stalked facebook.

It feels good to have the world at my fingertips again.

Stay tuned for a blog post about the evils of humidity and spray paint. It'll be a sad sad story.


  1. Hans and I went throught the same drama a few weeks ago. Thankfully we were only without internet for 3 days, but it was rough! Makes you do some crazy, things!

  2. Welcome back! (I can live w/o TV & my cell phone, but never the Internet!)

  3. I am new to your blog.just want to say hi. and thanks for sharing your life!
