Tuesday, April 19, 2011

So in Love with Pinterest

My name is Kristen and I'm a pinterest-aholic.  For the past two weeks, I feel as though all my spare time (and not so spare time) has been dedicated to drooling, dreaming, and lusting after the images I find on Pinterest. 

Before I share my Pinterest with you, I want you to know I'm not liable for loss of productivity or anything that may come from loss of productivity (my husband has had to pick up the dinner-making slack since pinterest has come into my life). 

Are you ready for an amazing world of beautiful pictures, amazing ideas, and jaw-dropping homes? Then enter Pinterest, my dream world.  There is also a link on my sidebar to my page.


  1. They are going to have to start support groups!

  2. So, I just wanted to bop over and say "Hi!" I am so glad you stopped by SJ, if you ever get frustrated let me know and I will find someway to make a fool out of myself...I promise you will forget all your troubles for awhile. promise.

    Also, this may sound silly. Do you have to get invited to become a member of pinterest. I keep giving them my email to get an invite and nothing happens...am I just crazy?

