Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Everybody's Gone Surfin'....Surfin' USA

There is something about warm temperatures, sunny skies, and the beach that just makes me want to bust out with some Beach Boys songs.  Don't pretend you don', let's take a brief blog break and everybody join in with me...
 If everybody had an ocean 
Across the USA
Then everybody'd be surfin'
Like Californ-I-A
You'd seem 'em wearing their baggies
Huarachi sandals too
A bushy bushy blonde hairdo
Surfin' U.S.A.
Beautiful!  I just love the summer, in case you haven't noticed. In order to take advantage of the amazing weather North Carolina has been showing us this spring, we decided to take a day trip to Topsail Island and explore the coastal area.  While John's main goal was to relax and have fun, mine was to find some great seashells to incorporate into our gallery wall.  I think it's suffice to say we both accomplished our goals...and I even got John in on beach-scouring.

Seashell side note: I've learned many times after many vacations that it's important to rinse out your shells as soon as possible. Believe me - if you leave them in a bag or tupperware you will be sorry when you open them up. Stinky!  When I get home or back to a hotel, I just plug the sink and fill it with hot, soapy water and let the shells soak overnight. The next day I air dry them on a towel and voila!

We found some great pieces of sea glass, sharks teeth, and beautiful shells. I wanted to add some bigger frames to our gallery wall as well as introduce more texture so I decided to display some finds in an old frame I spray painted.

seashell art

shell art frame

When I've collected shells in the past, they typically stay in a baggie under the bed and I reminisce when I find them while looking for lost shoes.  I love that I am displaying a variety of my beach finds for all to see this way. 

In fact, I liked it so much, I made a smaller frame for my seashell-themed guest bathroom.

seashell frame art shell

The new framed artwork looks a lot more elegant than this shell frame I made while in college to display my various road trips to various beaches.

In college I was definitely a fan of the multiple-frames-in-one as well as the color brown. My tastes have changed and I've had to donate more of these types of frames than I'd care to admit.  This one has stayed, though, because of the shells.  Despite looking fragile, this frame has proved pretty hardy in my many moves to new dorm rooms, apartments, and cities.

sea glass mobile suncatcher

I told you I've been busy this week! Not only did I make two pieces of seashell art, I also made a sea glass mobile. I am in love with this - it just sparkles and glows in the sun.

sea glass mobile suncatcher

I'm planning on writing a quick tutorial later this week on how I made this mobile. The project ended up taking me about 10 hours to make due to some trial and error.  Luckily it turned out well enough to make up for the ordeal it put me through.

While searching for sea glass, I kept coming upon perfectly smooth, polished stones on the beach. While wet they glittered like glass in the sand and after picking up several only to toss them back down, I decided to collect them as well.

rocks art frame nature

I chose to use them to make a small romantic frame for our bedroom. I found some shimmery gray card stock in our closet and spray painted a goodwill frame.  It matches our bedroom perfectly.  Oh, and yes, that is the paper mache bird from this post. I decided not to paint him and instead leave him natural.  After painting several blue, green, and white, I thought this little guy was perfect just the way he was.

I'm linking up:
Today's Creative Blog
Someday Crafts
Blue Cricket Design
A Crafty Soiree  
A Glimpse Inside
Paisley Passions
Chic on a Shoestring


  1. Beautiful! I like what you did with the shells and especially LOVE the mobile. I might have to dig out all my sea glass and try one.

  2. Gorgeous! The mobiles are really great. How did you "stick" the shells to the base?

  3. So pretty!! I heart that sea glass!! :)

  4. I love that song... and what you did with your shells and seaglass!!

  5. I love these! My daughters bathroom is ocean themed and I have a bowl of sea shells that I was wondering what I could use them for, now I have lots of ideas!! Thanks!

  6. Very pretty! Perfect way to use those shells! My husband and I LOVE to collect sea glass so I love your mobile. And I think I have a couple of those rocks too- they do play tricks on you when you are searching for the glass. Do you have an rare colored sea glass pieces? We've been lucky enough to find one good size Red and a good size lavender piece but that's all.
    Thanks for linking up!

  7. I love what you did with the seaglass and shells. Very chic. I'm your newest follower. Cheers

  8. I love your heart frame - it's so creative, beachy and sweet!! It's perfect in the bedroom. Loves it and thanks for visiting my blog! I'm your newest follower. Erin :-)

  9. Love your glass mobile! I have wondered what to do with my sea glass! I am so inspired!

  10. I second the question about affixing the shells -- did you use hot glue?

  11. I used gorilla glue until I ran out and switched over to hot glue. The gorilla glue took a second to dry so I had to hold it in place for a couple moments but it seems much stronger than the hot glue.

  12. I'm still stalking my mailbox, keeping my fingers and toes crossed, watching the skies for an owl and having hope that the USPS will accomplish the job you paid them to do. Otherwise, we'll have to make a trip to the ocean in May.
